Laser treatment - Hair removal


What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal uses Nd-YAG laser technology to remove unwanted hair. Compared to a lifetime of shaving or waxing, laser hair removal is an investment and more economical in the long run.

What does Laser Hair Removal do?

During laser hair removal, a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hair follicles) that produce hairs. This damage inhibits or delays future hair growth. As the pigment in the hair attracts the laser, so darker hair absorbs the laser more effectively, which is why people with dark hair and light skin are ideal candidates for laser hair removal. If the hair follicle does not contain any pigment, the laser will not target it. In other words, if hair is grey, white, blonde or red, laser hair removal will be ineffective. 

Where is Laser Hair Removal used?

Laser hair removal can be used anywhere where there is hair growth. Common target treatment areas include:

  • back
  • shoulders
  • arms
  • chest
  • legs
  • neck
  • upper lip
  • chin

Please note that Dr Shyna does not offer any treatments in intimate areas.

Is Laser Hair Removal safe?

Laser hair removal can be dangerous in inexperienced hands. Burns, permanent changes to your skin colour and scars can occur. You can greatly reduce the risk of possible side effects by having your treatment performed by a medical doctor who is appropriately qualified, trained and skilled in using lasers and has in-depth knowledge of the skin. 

What is the process for receiving treatment?

The first step is to book your no obligation consultation. This will take place at a time convenient to you with Dr Shyna herself. At the consultation, Dr Shyna will undertake a comprehensive 30 minute assessment to identify your needs and to determine if the treatment is suitable for you and safe for you to receive. Following this assessment, Dr Shyna will give her recommendations as to what treatments may benefit you, including other treatments available. Prior to any treatments being carried out, the procedures and their risks and costs will be clearly explained. At this point, if it is decided to proceed with treatment, you will be required to have a patch test prior to receiving treatment. This involves a few shots of the laser in the area to be treated. You will then need to wait 24-48 hours to have the full procedure, if there are no adverse reactions from the patch test. As part of the treatment process, before and after photographs will be taken following your consent. These photographs are strictly confidential, as are the rest of your records. After the treatment, you will given full post-procedure aftercare information.

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At a glance guide

Length of procedure

Variable depending on the area to be treated. From a few minutes to treat the upper lip to an hour for larger areas

Anaesthetic needed


Down time


Benefit seen

10 to 25 percent reduction in hair after the first treatment. A course of 6 treatments is usually recommended with treatment intervals of 6-12 weeks to achieve 80% hair reduction

How long  do the effects last

Most patients do not see any hair regrowth for several months or even years. When hair regrows, it is less, finer, lighter and less noticeable


Small area - from £50

Medium area - from £100

Large area - from £150

Extra Large area - £200

(see prices page for full details)

Frequently asked Questions

Are there any reasons why I cannot have Laser Hair Removal?

As with any medical treatment, there are some situations or conditions which mean someone is not able to receive the treatment for safety reasons. Some contraindications are absolute, meaning the treatment is not suitable for anyone with those conditions. Laser hair removal is absolutely contraindicated in Body Dysmorphic syndrome, pregnancy or breast feeding, active skin cancer, skin infection at the proposed treatment site, open wound at the proposed treatment site, metal or electronic implants within 6 inches of treatment site, presence of dysplastic nevi or questionable pigmented lesions, age < 18 years.

There are also some relative contraindications. These are conditions that mean the treatment may not be suitable, but this depends on individual circumstances. For laser hair removal, relative contraindications include a tendency to excessive scarring, use of Accutane or isotretinoin within the last 6 months, Gold Therapy (may cause blue-grey discoloration), anticoagulants (may increase risk of purpura or bruising), Vitiligo (may cause de-pigmentation), Herpes (pre-treatment with an antiviral may be indicated), tattoos or permanent make-up at treatment site, sun exposure, tanning beds or artificial tanning 4 weeks prior to treatment, botox within 2 weeks of treatment, dermal fillers within 4 weeks of treatment, photosensitizing drugs (antibiotics, doxycycline, tetracycline, hydroquinone, etc.), cancer, autoimmune disorders, immunosuppression and bleeding disorders. Please be assured that Dr Shyna will fully assess the presence of any contraindications during her comprehensive assessment with you and will ensure your safety is maintained at times.

What do I need to do before my Laser Hair Removal treatment?

In order to ensure the best results are achieved, the following pre-treatment advice should be followed:

Do not wear makeup on the treated area on the day of treatment, Avoid sun-tanning or self-tanners for 4 weeks prior to treatment ( this Includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, sun exposure, etc.), avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (depilatories, harsh chemicals, etc.), history of herpes or cold sores may require an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment. Hair should be cleanly shaven (leave a representative sample unshaven for Dr Shyna to assess), no waxing, plucking or tweezing for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment

Is Laser Hair Removal painful?

Some discomfort and/or pain may be experienced during treatment, but topical anaesthetic may be used prior to treatment if required. Most people liken the treatment to the mild discomfort of having a small rubber band snapping on the skin.

Are there any side effects of Laser Hair Removal treatments?

As with any medical treatment, there are always potential side effects and complications. When laser hair removal is administered by appropriately trained practitioners, the risks of side effects are minimal. There are some common side effects of laser hair removal such as redness, bruising or swelling in the treatment area. These are usually mild and will usually settle within 24-48 hours, but this can vary in individual cases and may take a few days. There are rare complications of laser hair removal treatment, but as part of her comprehensive assessment and consent process, Dr Shyna will ensure that you are fully informed about all potential side effects before administering the treatment. You will also be given full aftercare advice and contact details if you have any concerns after the treatment.

What is the difference between Laser Hair Removal and IPL hair removal treatments?

There are many differences between IPL machines and laser machines.

Lasers are the most efficient method of hair removal and use laser beams of light to directly target the hair follicles. IPL machines flash light at the hair in a less focussed and more superficial way and hence less efficient manner.

Laser machines using Nd-YAG technology are safe to be used on all skin types. However, IPL cannot be used on darker skin types (Fitzpatrick types 4-6).

Do you think you may benefit from Laser Hair Removal?

Come and see Dr Shyna and let her expertise help you find what is right for you

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