

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a minimally invasive method of removing unwanted tissue by the precise application of extreme cold. The process is called cryo-necrosis (tissue destruction by freezing). 

What does Cryotherapy do?

Cryotherapy works by applying Nitrous oxide. which rapidly freezes and destroys targeted cells without causing unwanted damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Treatment is carried out using a device called CryoPen O+. This is an innovative, high-performance cryotherapy tool. Cryopen O+, which can only be used by medical professionals, allows treatments to be given with pin-point precision for removing all benign skin lesions quickly and effectively and without causing collateral damage to healthy tissue. After destroying the target cells. healing occurs in 2-6 weeks with the formation of normal skin.

Where is Cryotherapy used?

Cryotherapy can be used on almost any part of the body to treat a wide variety of benign skin lesions, such as benign moles, warts, verrucae, skin tags, solar lentigines, age / sun spots, pigmented spots, actinic keratoses, seborrheic keratoses, hemangiomas, cherry angiomas, molluscum contagiosum and condyloma. Please note that we do not currently treat lesions in the genital area.

Is Cryotherapy safe?

Cryotherapy is safe when used by appropriately trained practitioners. Cryotherapy treatment has been well researched and the Cryopen too is FDA approved and CE marked.

What is the process for receiving treatment?

The first step is to book your no obligation consultation. This will take place at a time convenient to you with Dr Shyna herself. At the consultation, Dr Shyna will undertake a comprehensive 30 minute assessment to identify your needs and to determine if the treatment is suitable for you and safe for you to receive. Following this assessment, Dr Shyna will give her recommendations as to what treatments may benefit you, including other treatments available. Prior to any treatments being carried out, the procedures and their risks and costs will be clearly explained. At this point, Dr Shyna recommends that you take a "cooling off" period of 48 hours to make sure you are happy to proceed. However, if, for your own convenience, you would prefer to proceed directly, the treatments can be carried out after the consultation, subject to your consent and appointment availability. As part of the treatment process, before and after photographs will be taken following your consent. These photographs are strictly confidential, as are the rest of your records. After the treatment, you will given full post-procedure aftercare information.  

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At a glance guide

Length of treatment

1-2 minutes

Anaesthetic needed


Down time

Other than aftercare precautions, no downtime required

Benefit seen

Usually after one treatment, but repeat treatments may be needed for bigger lesions

How long do the effects last

For most lesions, benefits are permanent.


One lesion - £90 per treatment                        

Additional lesions -  £45 per lesion

Frequently asked Questions

Are there any reasons why I cannot have Cryotherapy?

As with any medical treatment, there are some situations or conditions which mean someone is not able to receive the treatment for safety reasons. The following are potential contraindications to receiving cryotherapy:
Impaired sensation or circulation in the treatment area
Presence of an open wound in the treatment area
Active infection or inflammation in the treatment site
Skin Cancer in the treatment area
Hypersensitivity to cold
Pregnancy or breast feeding
History of cardiac disease
Autoimmune disease

Are there any side effects of Cryotherapy?

As with any medical treatment, there are always potential side effects and complications. When cryotherapy is administered by appropriately trained practitioners, the risks of side effects are reduced. Common minor side effects of cryotherapy treatment include redness, soreness or a stinging or itching sensation at the treatment site, which will usually settle within a few hours. Blisters and crusting will often develop at the treatment site but will resolve spontaneously within a few days. There are other less common complications of cryotherapy, including changes in skin pigmentation, nerve damage and damage to hair follicles at the treatment site, but as part of her comprehensive assessment and consent process, Dr Shyna will ensure that you are fully informed about all potential side effects before administering the treatment. You will also be given full aftercare advice and contact details if you have any concerns after the treatment.

Pre-treatment information for verrucae and warts

Cryotherapy treatment works best for verrucae and warts when the skin covering the lesion is soft and slightly opened. To achieve this, soak the lesion in a bowl of warm, soapy water for 20 minutes. With a pumice stone or emery board, gently scrub the lesion until the skin becomes rough. Do not scrub so hard that you make the area sore and discontinue these steps if bleeding occurs.

Do you think you may benefit from Cryotherapy?

Come and see Dr Shyna and let her expertise help you find what is right for you

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