3D HIFU Body


What is 3D HIFU ?

3D HIFU uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), the latest safe and effective non-surgical technology for treating both face and body concerns. 3D HIFU body is the latest safe and effective non-surgical treatment to target pockets of fat on the body and lift and tighten the skin.

What does 3D HIFU do?

The HIFU treatment works by delivering high intensity focused ultrasound energy below the skin’s surface to cause cellular friction within the molecules, resulting in precise, target-point heating. The friction between these molecules produces heat and thermal injury at a focal point within the skin tissue to create thermal coagulation zones at 2 selected depths (7mm and 13mm), leaving the skin’s surface unaffected. The 7mm depth targets superficial fat removal while the 13mm depth targets deeper fat removal.

Delivering this focused energy to the dermal tissue causes immediate contraction of the tissues underneath the skin which results in tightening effect, destruction of fat cells and collagen stimulation. The healing process works over approximately 180 days, stimulating long-term tissue repair leading to further lifting and tightening.

The SMAS layer (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) is also targeted during the treatment and is composed of collagen and elastin fibres, similar to those of the dermal tissue, and when treated, gives a long-lasting tightening effect.

What areas is 3D HIFU used for?

3D HIFU body is used in various areas of the body:

  • Upper Abdomen
  • Lower Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Hips
  • Front of the Thighs
  • Back of the Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms

As such HIFU body treatments are ideal for body contouring, reducing abdominal fat pockets, bingo wings, thighs, love handles, post pregnancy tummy, and the buttocks. HIFU body is a very effective treatment for both fat loss and tightening the skin!

Is 3D HIFU safe?

3D HIFU is safe and effective when used by appropriately trained practitioners. As a one off treatment, it is completely non-invasive and a safe alternative to surgery. Treatment is fast and effective with minimal discomfort and no downtime and provides long lasting results.

What is the process for receiving treatment?

The first step is to book your no obligation consultation. This will take place at a time convenient to you with Dr Shyna herself. At the consultation, Dr Shyna will undertake a comprehensive 30 minute assessment to identify your needs and to determine if the treatment is suitable for you and safe for you to receive. Following this assessment, Dr Shyna will give her recommendations as to what treatments may benefit you, including other treatments available. Prior to any treatments being carried out, the procedures and their risks and costs will be clearly explained. At this point, Dr Shyna recommends that you take a "cooling off" period of 48 hours to make sure you are happy to proceed. However, if, for your own convenience, you would prefer to proceed directly, the treatments can be carried out after the consultation, subject to your consent and appointment availability. As part of the treatment process, before and after photographs will be taken following your consent. These photographs are strictly confidential, as are the rest of your records. After the treatment, you will given full post-procedure aftercare information.

At a glance guide

Length of procedure

90-120 minutes

Anaesthetic needed


Down time

Other than aftercare precautions, minimal downtime required

Benefit seen

Variable.  Full benefits are usually seen after 3-6 months

How long do the effects last

Variable, but typically up to 12-18 months


Both upper arms  - £500

Upper abdomen - £500

Lower abdomen - £500

Front of both thighs - £500

Back of both thighs - £500

Both flanks - £500

Both hips - £500

Both buttocks = £500

Frequently asked Questions

Are there any reasons why I cannot have 3D HIFU Body?

As with any medical treatment, there are some situations or conditions which mean someone is not able to receive the treatment for safety reasons.

Treatment with 3D HIFU is contraindicated in the following conditions - Body Dysmorphic syndrome, pregnancy or breast feeding, 6 weeks after giving birth, 6 months after Caesarian section, skin infection or inflammation at the proposed treatment site, age < 18 years, history of previous or current skin cancer, diabetes mellitus, pacemaker or other electrical device in the body, history of epilepsy, metal prosthesis or implants, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, tendency to excessive scarring and excessively fragile or dry skin, bleeding disorders, autoimmune disease, immunosuppression, kidney or liver impairment, psoriasis, history of cancer, certain medications and presence of hernia at proposed treatment site..

It is also recommended that treatment is not carried out within certain timescales following other cosmetic treatments:

Laser treatments - within 2 weeks
Vitamin A treatments - within 3 days of stopping treatment
Roaccutane - within 6 months of stopping treatment

Please be assured that Dr Shyna will fully assess the presence of any contraindications during her comprehensive assessment with you and will ensure your safety is maintained at times.

Are there any side effects of 3D HIFU Body?

As with any medical treatment, there are always potential side effects and complications. When 3D HIFU is administered by appropriately trained practitioners, the risks of side effects are reduced. There are some side effects of 3D HIFU such as a pin prick or heat sensation during treatment. After treatment there may be temporary slight redness or bruising, swelling, numbness, tingling or tenderness in the treatment area. As part of her comprehensive assessment and consent process, Dr Shyna will ensure that you are fully informed about all potential side effects before administering the treatment. You will also be given full aftercare advice and contact details if you have any concerns after the treatment.

Do you think you may benefit from 3D HIFU Body?

Come and see Dr Shyna and let her expertise help you find what is right for you

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